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Madouar El Kebir – Zaouïat Sidi Abdenabi Trekking

Foum Zguid, Zaouiat sidi Abdenabi


9 days

A partir de 780 €

This 9-day trek, including 7 days of walking, offers a crossing from Madouar el Kébir located about 25 km from Foum Zguid towards the dunes of el Mahzil then el Ghoul.


1st Day

Foum Zguid-Madouar el Kébir Pick up at Foum Zguid in the afternoon and drive by 4x4 to the oasis of Madouar El Kébir where the bivouac is already set up for the night. We spend the first evening of our trek with dinner around the fire in this beautiful oasis.

2nd Day

Madouar el Kébir-Madouar Sghir (18 km, about 4-5 hours of walking) Departure for our first day of trekking after breakfast towards Madouar Sghir where we set up camp for the night in the small sand dunes. We will cross magnificent landscapes dotted with tamarisk. Friendly dinner around the fire and exchange on this first day. Night's sleep.

3rd Day

Madouar Sghir-Oued Assi (18 km, about 4-5 hours walk) Departure after breakfast towards Oued Assi. On our way we will meet many nomads settled in this region. Installation of the bivouac and lunch. Relax and dine under the stars. Well deserved rest.

4th Day

Oued Assi-Oasis Echebe (16 km, about 4-5 hours walk) Early departure for another day of walking towards the Echebe oasis where we will spend the night. This oasis within the palm grove embellished with its source will make you discover a small abandoned palace. Dinner under the starry sky and night's sleep.

5th Day

Oasis Echebe – Erg el Mahzil (12 km, about 3-4 hours of walking Departure for the walk which leads us through the dry Iriki lake towards the sumptuous sand dunes of Mahzil. On our arrival, installation of the bivouac, meal and relaxation In the evening, we will climb the dunes to contemplate the sunset over the sea of ​​sand and the breathtaking view.Dinner under the starry sky and first night in the sand dunes.

6th Day

Erg el Mahzil – Erg el Ghoul (14 km, about 4-5 hour walk in the sand dunes) Departure in the early morning after admiring the sunrise over the dunes, we leave for a walk in the sea of ​​sand towards Erg el Ghoul and its dunes where we will bivouac. Dinner under the starry vault and night of rest in the magical silence of the Saharan night.

7th Day

Erg el Ghoul – Nomadic school (12km, about 3 hours walk) Early departure. After about an hour of walking we leave the sand dunes behind us to walk on changing ground, small sand dunes, rocky ground, plain of packed sand. On our arrival, installation of the bivouac next to the nomadic school where we can exchange with the children. Friendly dinner around the fire and restful sleep.

8th Day

Nomadic school - Zaouïat Sidi Abdenabi Zaouïa guest house (12 km, about 3-4 hours walk) Early departure towards the oasis of Zaouïat Sidi Abdenabi where we will spend the night in the charming guest house located about 10 minutes. You can take advantage of our hammam to relax after this week of walking and unwind after a delicious meal prepared with care by our cook. We will visit the ksar, the tomb of the marabout Sidi Abdenabi and enjoy a meeting with one or other of the inhabitants of this charming oasis located north of the dry Iriki lake.

9th Day

Zaouïat Sidi Abdenabi – Foum Zguid In the morning after having had your last breakfast in the desert, the 4x4 will take you back to Foum Zguid. During the journey you will still be able to fill up with images on the track that crosses these sublime landscapes in order to end this stay in the Sahara in style with magnificent memories to take home.


860€ per person ( minimum 2 people )
780€ per person ( 4 people and more )